It's Not Your Job to Get Others Results

3 Simple Tips to Drive Growth For Leaders & Coaches

In today's issue, I'll share 3 simple tips to help you understand why it's not your job as a leader to deliver results for others.

As expectations grow, it's important to realize that leading others is not just about achieving outcomes, but also helping them become who they need to be to reach their goals.

Don't be the kind of leader who spends all their time solving problems for people, only to find out that those you're helping haven't grown or improved along the way.

Instead, use this playbook to effectively lead those around you in a way that makes them better while hitting the milestones they hope to achieve.

Provide support and resources.

This is easiest thing a leader could do and yet, is the easiest thing we get trapped by. When we think that every problem under the sun needs to be solved by us, we actually fail in our goal of making those around us better.

Support can be something as easy as helping someone audit their calendar and where their time is spent so they can identify what to offload, where they can be more efficient, or maybe what they should stop doing altogether. It can also be showing up and creating space for someone to vent and think out loud (which also provides the opportunity to arrive at conclusions for themselves). Support can also mean asking them what they would do and affirming the fact that you want them to be empowered to make decisions and feel free to fail.

Great leaders also know when to provide what resources so people have the opportunity to get better and find new ways of executing things. This could include training programs, mentorship opportunities, access to relevant tools and technologies, or even financial resources to pursue specific projects.

The journey to our goals is just as important as the end result. We learn and grow along the way, not just at the finish line.

Set clear expectations and goals.

Great leaders always make sure that there are clear expectations and goals set that help others understand what is expected of them and what they need to do to achieve the objectives in front of them.

One of my favorite Proverbs says “where there is no vision, the people perish.” That couldn’t be more true.

If there’s no vision cast for the destination we want to arrive at, how in the world would people be able to connect the dots on how to get there?

Here’s what I know. If you have the right people behind you, and they have a clear understanding of what winning looks like, they will figure out how to make it happen.

Winning is a habit.

And when people taste it, they want more.

None of us wants to feel like we’re losing or we aren’t measuring up and helping move things forward.

If it’s unclear, though, people won’t have any idea how to move things forward or get closer to achieving the task at hand.

Give feedback and recognition.

This is probably the most important piece of it all.

Feedback and recognition are absolutely essential for personal and professional growth.

Providing constructive feedback helps those around you identify areas of improvement and build on their strengths as individuals.

Without feedback loops, it’s really hard to level up your skillset and improve.

Just as important, though, is recognizing the achievements and hard work of team members. When you make it a point to call out wins and provide positive feedback, it can be super encouraging for them to keep working toward their goals and inspire others to do the same.

One of my mentors created a framework on all of our daily huddles as a team with a section called “who got caught being awesome?” that I use with my team all the time.

When you create a habit out of calling others out for their awesomeness, it helps create a culture of growth and development that will benefit every person on the team.


  1. Provide support and resources for your team wherever you can to help set them up for success.

  2. Set very clear expectations and goals so your team knows how to win.

  3. Provide constructive & positive feedback as well as recognition and make it a habit to catch people being awesome.

3 short lessons, but if you master these three things, you’ll create an unstoppable culture with people who want to win and do whatever it takes to make it happen.

See you next Saturday ✌️